Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Did you know you're mine?

Because Boston is definitely going through a growth spurt and always hungry/tired/being held, we've been talking a lot.  I find myself asking him "did you know you're my baby and I'm your mommy and thats why we are always together?"  I guess I really am telling myself... reminding myself that I made something so perfect and it is not all a dream (or nightmare that .002% of the time).
Yes, it is correct to assume that Boston thinks I am just as weird as you think I am.  Because these questions I ask him are on top of the fact that 50% of the books I read to him make me cry!  Who writes these things- they are tear jerkers!! Even Flip cries at some (our little secret....oops!).
I guess being a mother has really brought out my sensitive side...

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