Monday, August 30, 2010

First Blog Post ever!

I've never done this blog thing before.  After watching Julie and Julie I decided that it could be fun.  And maybe (BIG maybe) people would read it.  I always have a lot of things going through my head, so why not drop them here and clear my mind every so often?
Boston turned 4 months this weekend :) I am so amazed at how every single day I love him more.  My current passions are wedding planning (for my not so near future), organizing EVERYTHING at work, eating healthfully, and exposing Boston to something new everyday.  I used to be a shopaholic (obsessed with a good deal!) for my own clothes, and it has switched to being obsessed with finding a good deal on Boston's clothes.  I am forever attempting to perfect my own casual, comfortable, still stylish and unique "mom" style.  I wore cut offs this summer but feel I may have to donate them now... I'm 25 and a mother ya know... But I refuse to give up and succomb to the Talbots mom style!  Since I work at a gym I don't really feel the need to dress up for work.  I will express my style even if it is just wish an accessory or on weekends :)


  1. I loved that you signed your post "Mama Boston!"

  2. momma boston....momma fo....the next generation!!!

  3. Haha Brie! I love talbots - like for real hahahahaha. i dont shop there -yet- but am looking forward to it. i know, total loser. LOVE your blog :)
