Monday, August 30, 2010

Mama Boston

My older sister, Marnie, does her anthropological dissertation research in Tanzania with Congolese Refugees (Wow that is wordy!).  While she was there this summer, she informed me that in Swahili a mother is called Mama + the first name of her first born child.  That is why I am Mama Boston.  If I remember right, Marnie is Big Mama Boston because she is my older sister.  I think we will just call her Big Mama though. In that case, our little sister Hayley must be Little Mama Boston. 
Boston must be going through a growth spurt because that boy nurses (and sleeps) constantly these days!  It is interesting how nursing makes me feel ever-powerful and completely helpless at the same time.  I feel very special in the fact that I can give life (by giving birth) and continue to nourish him after, but then I feel like I am paralyzed from accomplishing anything because there tends to be a child attached to me.  I guess it is a good lesson in parenthood- you are powerful and powerless all at once! 
We are so excited for this weekend!  We are going to Des Moines for Little Mama Boston's first football game.  She is a freshman (cheerleader) at Drake University.  We were inseperable this summer and it has been hard having her gone.  She is doing great at college though!  Also, the highlight of the weekend is that we get to see Big Mama Boston for the first time since the very beginning of summer!  Cannot wait.
Boston's first time in his highchair.


  1. I love this post, it actually made me cry. You are such a wonderful mama! and I can't wait to read more!

  2. Big Mama! Never calling her Marnie again. ;-) You've posted 4 times and I've commented twice. Sick of me yet? ha

  3. I've come to realize that nursing is nature's way of telling us to slow down and cherish the few moments we have while they are so little. Still trying to figure out why it is so hard to just sit with our babies.

  4. Megan (Mama Boyd)- such a compliment coming from one of the very best mothers I know!! Martha.. I love comments and I could never be sick of you, keep em coming!
