Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Did you know you're mine?

Because Boston is definitely going through a growth spurt and always hungry/tired/being held, we've been talking a lot.  I find myself asking him "did you know you're my baby and I'm your mommy and thats why we are always together?"  I guess I really am telling myself... reminding myself that I made something so perfect and it is not all a dream (or nightmare that .002% of the time).
Yes, it is correct to assume that Boston thinks I am just as weird as you think I am.  Because these questions I ask him are on top of the fact that 50% of the books I read to him make me cry!  Who writes these things- they are tear jerkers!! Even Flip cries at some (our little secret....oops!).
I guess being a mother has really brought out my sensitive side...

My ChildBirth Coach

Flip: Whats that lasso thing on the left? Me: Baby... those are forceps...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Why my best friend is my best friend

Nora texted me today that she is so excited about my blog and is so impressed with me trying new things and always being so conscious of working on myself.  Personally, I feel narcissistic blogging (but I like it and have posted 4x today... what does that say about me???).  Nora said my humbleness is evident in two posts AND she said cut off jean shorts are a staple for my style and I am allowed to wear them for years to come.  Even if she is wrong on all counts... This is why she is my Best Friend Forever!  She makes me feel ok blogging  AND wearing age-inappropriate outfits because I feel good doing both :)
Nonie and Me at Marnie and Matt's wedding!

Mama Boston

My older sister, Marnie, does her anthropological dissertation research in Tanzania with Congolese Refugees (Wow that is wordy!).  While she was there this summer, she informed me that in Swahili a mother is called Mama + the first name of her first born child.  That is why I am Mama Boston.  If I remember right, Marnie is Big Mama Boston because she is my older sister.  I think we will just call her Big Mama though. In that case, our little sister Hayley must be Little Mama Boston. 
Boston must be going through a growth spurt because that boy nurses (and sleeps) constantly these days!  It is interesting how nursing makes me feel ever-powerful and completely helpless at the same time.  I feel very special in the fact that I can give life (by giving birth) and continue to nourish him after, but then I feel like I am paralyzed from accomplishing anything because there tends to be a child attached to me.  I guess it is a good lesson in parenthood- you are powerful and powerless all at once! 
We are so excited for this weekend!  We are going to Des Moines for Little Mama Boston's first football game.  She is a freshman (cheerleader) at Drake University.  We were inseperable this summer and it has been hard having her gone.  She is doing great at college though!  Also, the highlight of the weekend is that we get to see Big Mama Boston for the first time since the very beginning of summer!  Cannot wait.
Boston's first time in his highchair.
This is my dream wedding dress!

First Blog Post ever!

I've never done this blog thing before.  After watching Julie and Julie I decided that it could be fun.  And maybe (BIG maybe) people would read it.  I always have a lot of things going through my head, so why not drop them here and clear my mind every so often?
Boston turned 4 months this weekend :) I am so amazed at how every single day I love him more.  My current passions are wedding planning (for my not so near future), organizing EVERYTHING at work, eating healthfully, and exposing Boston to something new everyday.  I used to be a shopaholic (obsessed with a good deal!) for my own clothes, and it has switched to being obsessed with finding a good deal on Boston's clothes.  I am forever attempting to perfect my own casual, comfortable, still stylish and unique "mom" style.  I wore cut offs this summer but feel I may have to donate them now... I'm 25 and a mother ya know... But I refuse to give up and succomb to the Talbots mom style!  Since I work at a gym I don't really feel the need to dress up for work.  I will express my style even if it is just wish an accessory or on weekends :)